The Environment
Plumbline is a boutique sized design firm staffed entirely with Sr level designers / programmers; I was extremely lucky to work there.  As a Jr designer I worked under the Sr staff and benefited from direct instruction in advanced industry techniques.  Without my experience at Plumbline I would never have had the confidence to go freelance.

The Work
The Keep Tahoe Blue site was the first site I built beginning to end.  To help me along the Sr. Designer gave me color guidelines and a mock up for the top page. From there I was on my own. Of course all designs had to be approved by the Sr. designer, but all the work, including hand-coding,  was done by me. It was a rare opportunity for a Jr designer and I was honored to do it.

The Updates
The current site (pictured below) has been updated since 2000, especially the menus,  but a lot of the design elements I created are still there, and the basic site structure remains the same.