BikeClubOsaka, Osaka nightlife information: photos, events, articles, forums and more!

What It Is
BikeClubOsaka is my baby, a community website serving Osaka, Japan.  I founded it along with business partner James Russell in the fall of 2004.  Before we came along there was no comprehensive English information on clubs, art or events in Osaka. BikeClubOsaka fit that need. The website,, quickly became the bridge connecting Osaka hospitality businesses with the foreign community.

What I Did
At BikeClubOsaka ("Why is it called 'Bike Club' when it's not about bikes?" Funny story actually...) I was the director in charge of website design / construction, content syndication and brand marketing. I also shared the role of community manager with Mr. Russell. 

Wait, There's More!
Running a company taught me much more than the skills above, it also taught me sales strategy, business development, team management, and what the phrase 'labor of love' truly means. For more information and links to portfolio pieces, check out the section below.



Sales Strategy - Co-developed sales 'ad pack' with James Russell, including: detailed information on web statistics, advertising packages, and site-capabilities for our advertisers.  Delivered ad pack in person to business partners, mailed ad pack to new businesses in marketing campaigns.

Advertising - Managed monthly promotional campaign including national and local magazine ads, web solutions, and local flyer distribution. Tracked effectiveness of print advertising through paper coupon system, tracked online advertising effectiveness with web-statistics tools and cellphone e-coupon system.

Content Writer - Proficient formal and colloquial styles. Regularly published online articles and FAQs, consistently wrote and delivered weekly e-newsletter, periodically published interviews in print magazines.

Event Organization - Expanded local brand exposure through event sponsorship, special promotional giveaways and cross-promotional campaigns. Managed tracking of campaigns through e-coupon system and regular contact with promoters and hospitality business owners.

E-Marketing - Published weekly newsletter containing area news, press-releases, event-happenings, and local-band music downloads; expanded newsletter membership through on-line and off-line initiatives. Wrote, delivered newsletter on time to thousands of members each week.